About Us

RustyGamer is a gaming-centric website dedicated to video game walkthroughs, tricks, and the occasional gaming news. It spawned from the YouTube channel of the same name which initially began with shrine solutions for the Breath of the Wild, before covering other video games.

The website and YouTube channel are both run by Harry who writes, edits and records everything produced by RustyGamer.

There is no set schedule on when new videos or articles are posted. At the moment I cover games that I am interested in and find a reason to produce content for.

Site Policy

  • No content is written by AI. Everything is produced by a human; be that for better or worse.
  • No posts are written solely for affiliate links. I only include affiliate links for products or services I personally use and believe in.
  • No third-party or monetary agreements that can dictate or influence content.
  • No unwanted emails. Signing up is required to participate in comment, that's it.